

Dental Accidents or Trauma


What do I do if my child is in an accident?

If your child has an accident, please call our office as soon as possible.  We see your child immediately.  If it is an after-hours emergency a pager number will be given on the answering machine.


The first 30 minutes after an accident are the most critical to treatment of a dental trauma.  If a permanent tooth is knocked out, gently rinse, but do not scrub the tooth under water.  Replace the tooth in the socket if possible.  If this is impossible, place the tooth in a glass of milk or a clean wet cloth and come to the office immediately.  If the tooth is fractured, please bring in any pieces that you can find.  Our schedule may be delayed in order to accommodate an injured child.  Please accept our apologies in advance should an emergency occur during your child’s appointment.


Post-Op Dental Trauma Instructions For Primary Teeth


PAIN - a liquid pain reliever such as Motrin or Tylenol is recommended to control discomfort.


DIET -  a soft diet is recommended for the next 6 weeks.  In particular, avoid using the injured tooth for biting or tearing.  Cut up hard foods like apples and carrots and use your uninjured teeth to chew.


HABITS - a difficult matter * but try not to suck any objects or fingers. Further pressure on the injured tooth will likely delay healing.


MOUTH CARE - excellent oral hygiene is needed to facilitate the healing process.  Run your toothbrush under warm water to make the bristles softer for gentle brushing.


Post-Op Dental Trauma Instructions For Permanent Teeth


PAIN - a liquid pain reliever such as Motrin or Tylenol is recommended to control discomfort.


DIET - a soft diet is recommended for the next 6 weeks.  In particular, avoid using the injured tooth for biting or tearing.  Cut up hard foods like apples and carrots and use your uninjured teeth to chew.


SPORTS - try to avoid any further injury to the damaged tooth, especially in the next few weeks.  If you have a sports mouth guard, please wear it!  If you do not have a sports mouth guard, one can be made for you after your injured tooth has stabilized.


MOUTH CARE - excellent oral hygiene is needed to facilitate the healing process.  Run your toothbrush under warm water to make the bristles softer for gentle brushing.  Rinsing with Perioguard will help keep bacterial growth under control.  Rinsing after every meal is recommended.




What can happen to an injured tooth?

1)  Change color - yellow, dark gray or brown

2)  Lose sensation, feel dull - tooth nerve has died

3)  Abscess - infected, draining pus from the end of the tooth root

4)  Increased mobility or looseness - splint comes off or infection


What follow-up care will my child need?


 - Splint Removal

 - Tooth Fracture Repair

 - Orthodontic Treatment/Braces

 - Endodontic Procedure/Root Canal

 - Bleaching

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Our mission is to provide the best comprehensive dental care for your infant, child and adolescent in a friendly, safe and state-of-the-art environment.

We want your child to develop a positive attitude toward dental health and learn the necessary skills to maintain a cavity-free smile for a lifetime.


As parents, we welcome you to stay with your child for all dental appointments.  We encourage your involvement in your child’s dental care.  We strive to educate you and your child about achieving and maintaining good oral health.


If a problem does develop, we will offer you all treatment options and work with you to determine the best treatment plan and most compassionate approach for your child.

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